
Differences in communication between generations

 No one can deny that the way we communicate with our friends and family has changed a lot as new advances related to technology have been made. Nowadays it's easier to keep in touch with loved beings. However, is it true that the latest generations can't even establish a face to face conversation? Do teenagers know the cost of a phone call in the past or how often people wrote letters? In this blog we will answer to all these questions. Let's start by one of the oldest ways of communication, considered by many outdated, the letters:                                                     We have interviewed Ariadna's mother to know more about  how people usually communicated in the past compared to the present. During the 80s teenagers couldn't send messages and Whatsapps as mobile phones didn't exist at the time. Nevertheless, they used to write letters to their relatives and close friends but the frequency depended on the distance: whereas some people would write